
You may have gotten an email from me a while back, but here it is again…

This is a service that myself and a friend put together after I shared the idea with him.  I had been thinking about this idea for MANY years, but never did anything about it.

Basically, just about everyone has a mobile phone now.  And almost all of those people have the capability to receive text messages via their phone.  So, this FREE service will let you create "Alerts" that will be sent directly to your mobile phone and/or email address to remind you of anything you like!

Suggested Alerts:

  • Don’t forget to take out the trash
  • Pick up daughter from school
  • eBay auction is ending in 10 minutes – GO BID!
  • Dentist appointment in 1 hour at Dr. Smith’s
  • Bring home milk

For those technically inclined people, you could just set a reminder on your phone to beep, or tape a note to your forehead… BUT – this is so easy to use!

Create your FREE account and receive Alerts in minutes:

  1. Go to www.AlertMe.net
  2. Create an account
  3. Create an Alert.

If you watch items on eBay at all, this is quite an interesting tool for "manual sniping", so give it a shot!

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