Google’s ‘Sidewiki’ feature…

Back in the mid-1990’s when I was working on the MSN Engineering team at Microsoft, one of the projects we started to work on was a tool that would allow people to post comments about web pages "on" the webpage. That is, it was a feature in Internet Explorer very similar to the "Comment" feature in Microsoft Word. As with far too many Microsoft products, they started it, then shelved it. I was really excited about it back then because of the great potential for true customer service …

2D barcodes, winners and losers

Although 2D barcodes (also called QR codes – short for Quick Response) aren’t new, but they still haven’t caught on in the US. I’ve been asked by a lot of people “What is that?” when they see a QR code. To answer those people, they are postage stamp size or larger mathematical image that smartphones (with a high enough resolution camera) can read and convert to characters. Those characters can be a web address or a block of text or just about any input that a smartphone can …

eBay is now screwing up feedback…

I think one of the best things about eBay was the ability to leave feedback about transactions. Well, they’ve just changed that. Now, the message is: Even though it’s usually the Seller who would receive bad feedback from a Buyer, it’s not good to limit something that has worked so well for so long. As for me, I’ll no longer be leaving ANY feedback of ANY kind. eBay has blown it… AGAIN.

John Wayne Airport is apparently stingy with electricity…

I recently took a flight out of a John Wayne (Santa Ana) Airport, and was surprised to find that there was not a single electrical outlet anywhere in the public seating areas of gates 10 to 14.  There are outlets at the gate desks, but that’s out of reach for the public seating. I had more than 1.5 hours of waiting for my flight, and didn’t want to run my laptop battery down before I got on the plane (I like to be able to put on a … … Part 1

I am a HUGE customer service FREAK!  I believe strongly in that old saying "The customer is always right".  No, that doesn’t mean the car dealership should replace your car if you don’t like it after three months – it means, if you buy an item or service and are not satisfied with it, the company that sold you that item or service should do whatever they can (obviously within reason) to make you happy.  Why?  Because of another old saying "Make one customer happy, and they MAY …

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