Disneyland Christmas Train idea…

As a former engineer on the Disneyland Railroad, it should be obvious that I love trains – small and large. I’m also a huge Disneyland and Walt Disney fan. I’ve talked about this idea for several years, but never wrote it down. The popularity of Disneyland’s “It’s a Small World Holiday” and “Haunted Mansion Holiday” has grown tremendously since they started, and guests sometimes come to the park just to see the make-overs of those attractions. “It’s a Small World Holiday” is such a draw that one of …

Facebook feature idea: Check Ins

Facebook has done a good job of letting people “Check In” at businesses with Facebook Places. Aside from seeing if friends are at the same location or even nearby, it’s a great opportunity for businesses to connect with current or potential customers. There is one feature that’s missing though… allowing people to “Check In” to movies and TV shows. Currently, a person can only check in to a business that has an address or location. The GPS functionality in the phone keeps people from randomly checking in to …

Disney on Facebook

Years ago when I worked at Bing.com, I got frustrated at Microsoft for not taking advantage of social marketing and not making it easy for their customers to find their products in the “social world”. Specifically, almost none of their product websites had social media icons that would allow consumers to find THE official pages for Microsoft’s various products. See my post titled “Zune on Facebook”. I see the same issue today with Disney. They have a TREMENDOUS following, with amazing potential for reaching out to fans (consumers, …

Groupon feature idea…

Hey Groupon – here’s a feature idea for you, if for some reason it isn’t already on your list… Create a “Watch list” for products. There’s already a “Follow” feature to follow specific companies to see what deals they have, but that excites me less than if I’m looking for a deal on a certain product in the future. Google Alerts lets me keep an eye out for words and phrases that I’m interested in, and sends me a message when that item gets indexed in their search …

FW: Idea for Bing Search for more clicks…

I finally noticed last night that a feature idea I proposed in an email on October 20, 2009 while I was working at Bing.com finally made it to the web on May 17, 2011. I had sent the email below to one of my ‘bosses’ at Bing as a feature idea to add a Facebook icon to the Bing.com homepage, since the background image changed daily. In October 2009, there was no “Like” button that could be put on external websites, so the Facebook icon was all that …

Microsoft OneNote – here to stay?

We all know about (and have probably used) Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Outlook. What about Microsoft OneNote? OneNote has been around since about 2003 – and it seems like a good idea; one file (notebook) that has several “tabs” where you can paste pictures, charts, other document, freehand draw (if you have a tablet PC), link to other content and generally just keep track of any bit of information for a specific subject. Especially useful is the ability to move chunks of information around …

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