Home windmills…

Several years ago when the big talk about ‘clean energy’ was hydrogen fuel cells, and more specifically trying to put those cells in cars, I was surprised that the focus was on cars rather than the engine itself. I recall the biggest problem being that "they" were having a hard time making the hydrogen engine small enough to fit in a car – not – that they couldn’t build the engine. So, what if each home had an air-conditioning size (or even car sized) hydrogen fuel-cell engine installed …

Google releasing specific household searches in court…

Wow… Google released queries made from a specific household in a court case. Now, the case is pretty horrible, but that’s not the point – the fact the Google HAS the data to share is what’s disturbing. The fact that they can share with the courts what day and what HOUSEHOLD made SPECIFIC SEARCHES is the issue. WHY does Google save the IP address?! There’s NO reason for that. Oh… for tracking purposes so they can sell targeted advertising? No. Oh… for making their product better by analyzing …


Microsoft does it again… www.SmoothHD.com is a demo of streaming hi-definition video. They have several samples, and it’s pretty amazing. At full screen, the video looks fantastic on a big monitor, and I’m really blown away.

UPS.com feature request…

Almost every time I’ve gotten shipments via UPS, I’ve missed the delivery. The nice thing is that I generally know that the driver shows up about 6pm. But, that hasn’t helped me. What’s nice, is that I can log onto the UPS website to track the package, and I can see that a package has been picked up, then that it’s in Georgia, then that it’s been scanned in Sacramento, etc.  What isn’t helpful, is that once I can see WHEN the package will be delivered, there’s no …

Microsoft memories… Bedlam DL3

I started working at Microsoft in 1996. Being there in the 90’s was exciting! It was especially interesting doing QA work on so many internet products between 1996 and 2002. I guess I feel a little bit ‘superior’ having been there during the "dot-com" boom and while the internet (for the public) was so ‘young’. To start off this memory, you have to know the difference between “reply” (‘little r’) and "Reply All" (‘big R’). ‘Little r’ means to only reply to the person who sent the email, …

10 things you should never buy NEW/USED…

This tidbit comes out of the fact that I’ll see interesting articles to read online, only to find that you have to click through several layers to get to the article… then, it’s broken up into more than one page, and isn’t a very quick read. In this case, I liked most of what the author’s reasons were, but thought I’d throw the lists up here as a quickie. According to MSN Money, here’s two lists: 10 things you should never buy USED: (full article) Laptops Car seats …

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