Unknown phone numbers…

As a pretty strict rule, I don’t answer calls from numbers that I don’t know. I have a Windows Mobile 5 phone (Cingular 2125) which I LOVE. It synchronizes my contacts from Outlook perfectly. So, when someone calls that I know, the phone displays the person’s name/info, along with the phone number (and it shows if it’s home or mobile or fax, etc.) So, when only a number is displayed on my phone, that means I have no data in my contact list for that number. I let …

Is it bad to have or share your information on the internet?

Whenever I get a phone call from an unknown number, I immediately plug it into Google and about 80% of the time, get an answer as to who called. I also tend to search on names, addresses or companies to find out more about them before I do business with them. That brings me to my own information. I’ve published all kinds of personal information… favorite movies, job information, posted my resume, address phone numbers… all kinds of things. Lately, I’ve been building the list of every place …

Popcorn Hour! Watch your videos or downloaded content on your TV!

So a friend introduced me to "PopcornHour" late last year, and I ordered one. It took a couple of months to get because they were being manufactured. Once I got it, it opened a whole new world to me… Basically, PopcornHour is a "networked media tank". Meaning – you plug this into your TV and your home network and can stream video from the Internet, OR the shared media on your network! Now.. what is "shared media"? All of your digital photos for one. Though their photo slideshow/viewer …

eBay is now screwing up feedback…

I think one of the best things about eBay was the ability to leave feedback about transactions. Well, they’ve just changed that. Now, the message is: Even though it’s usually the Seller who would receive bad feedback from a Buyer, it’s not good to limit something that has worked so well for so long. As for me, I’ll no longer be leaving ANY feedback of ANY kind. eBay has blown it… AGAIN.

Finally – a REAL “Microsoft will donate $1 if you…” opportunity…

Wow… after all the years of getting those emails from friends (even ones who KNOW me) that says "Microsoft will donate $1 for each person that (fill in the blank) [forward this email] / [go to this website] / [add your name to this list]" – it’s actually TRUE. Click here to watch a 30-second ad, and Microsoft WILL donate $1 to "The Smith Family" – an Australian organization that helps disadvantaged kids get a great education. Microsoft will donate up to $100,000 to the organization, just by …

Microsoft to pay search-engine users…

Seems like a good idea… when you’ve got BILLIONS of dollars to try out an idea and not have a loss affect you, give it a shot. Here’s the article – Microsoft to pay search-engine users – (MSNBC.com) – It looks more like a rebate, but hey… free money is free money… And so what if Microsoft has to track what stuff I buy… Target, Best Buy and every other retailer already does that. So… sign up here – http://search.live.com/cashback

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