When podcasts go mainstream

If you have a car, you have a radio. If you have a radio, you probably listen to music, talk radio, news and/or sports. By the mid-1960s, radios were standard equipment in new cars. Today, it’s almost standard to have a USB or other MP3 player connection – or at least a auxiliary input jack to plug other devices into your car’s sound system. What’s missing though is the digital end-to-end solution that terrestrial radio provides. By that I mean that you turn on your car radio and …

A new search box trend

Recently I’ve seen several websites that are ‘hiding’ the site search functionality. I don’t understand why… and I don’t like it. It’s hard enough to find what you’re looking for in a lot of modern navigation bars. Now with just a search ‘icon’, it makes it even harder to find. Here’s two of the many examples I’ve seen lately: Rally Software DealNews.com I think it’s much easier to quickly scan for that search text field – everyone is use to it, it’s easier to find than a single …

Another reason to use Google Voice

I’ve been on Google Voice for several years, though I only fully committed to it about 3 years ago. “Fully” meaning that I changed my phone number everywhere and started telling friends and family to stop using the ‘physical’ number attached to the mobile. For those who haven’t used/heard of Voice, the basic idea is this – one number for everything. If you call me (my Google Voice number), my home, work, mobile phone and even my computer will all ring at the same time. So no more …

Amazon Locker… fail

A few years ago Amazon came up with a fantastic idea of putting banks of locker (like those you use to see at airports, train and bus stations) at convenient locations in bigger cities. My preferred Amazon Locker is located inside of an Albertson’s grocery store. This is good for me and Albertson’s, as I always buy a few more items from the store when I’m picking up an Amazon order. The magic of the Amazon Locker comes in your email in the form of an access code …

Delete a single URL from your Chrome history

Have you ever mis-typed a web address only to have that stupid URL come back every time you start to type the correct address? You’d like to be able to type just a few letters, then when the right page ‘auto-completes’, just hit ENTER to go there? Yeah – but that doesn’t work if you fat-fingered the 8th letter… so then you have to use the down arrow key or grab the mouse and click the right one (or just keep typing the whole thing!) Here’s a tip …

EZQuickOrder mobile app

If you’ve been to Qdoba, Chipotle, McDonald’s or ANY food location at Disneyland, there’s a good chance you’ve stood in line for at least several minutes waiting to order. Usually you use that wait time to study the menu and get everyone’s orders figured out. Imagine a big QR code around the entrance or line for the restaurant you’re waiting at, suggesting that you pre-build your order. The customer scans the code, which takes them to a simplified mobile version of the restaurant’s menu, with the instructions to …

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