Microsoft OneNote – here to stay?

We all know about (and have probably used) Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Outlook. What about Microsoft OneNote? OneNote has been around since about 2003 – and it seems like a good idea; one file (notebook) that has several “tabs” where you can paste pictures, charts, other document, freehand draw (if you have a tablet PC), link to other content and generally just keep track of any bit of information for a specific subject. Especially useful is the ability to move chunks of information around …

Facebook crashing on your Android phone after updating the Facebook app? Try this…

Facebook crashing on your Android phone after updating the Facebook app? Try this: On your PC, go to From the top-right menu, click "Account". Click "Privacy Settings". At the bottom-left corner under "Apps and Websites", click "Edit your settings". In the "Apps you use" section, click the "Edit Settings" button (on the right). Find the "HTC Sense" (or other Facebook) application(s) and click the little "x" to the right to remove the application. Launch (or reinstall) the Facebook application/updates and re-login via the Facebook App on your …

Streaming media and home entertainment…

I’ve recently helped a few friends get setup with "media centers" as their home entertainment systems. They’ve all been centered around using a small form-factor computer to ‘power’ things, and central to that is Microsoft’s Windows 7 and Windows Media Center. I was lucky enough to be a software tester at Microsoft around 2001 testing the first version of Window Media Center Edition (MCE) and it was exciting back then. It’s now been 10 years – and it still hasn’t caught on. But, I’m confident that’s about to …

Zune on Facebook

In January 2010, I spent far too much time trying to find the "Official" Zune Facebook fan page. There were three Fan pages, two of which had almost 30,000 fans. However, I wanted to be join the official Microsoft owned/run/sponsored Fan page. Sadly, there was no way to tell which of the three was created by Microsoft. I had been a fan of the two larger fan pages, but they had pretty much stagnated at 25-30k fans for many months. So, while I was working at Microsoft, I …

Google’s ‘Sidewiki’ feature…

Back in the mid-1990’s when I was working on the MSN Engineering team at Microsoft, one of the projects we started to work on was a tool that would allow people to post comments about web pages "on" the webpage. That is, it was a feature in Internet Explorer very similar to the "Comment" feature in Microsoft Word. As with far too many Microsoft products, they started it, then shelved it. I was really excited about it back then because of the great potential for true customer service …

Will Windows Vista be the next Windows Me?

For those who even remember it, Windows Me (Millennium Edition) was a stinker. Even internally at Microsoft no one (at least the people I worked with on various engineering teams) liked it. There’s plenty of websites dedicated to why it was a stinker, so I don’t need to go into those details. But, with Windows Vista, there was a lot of the same vibes… which made me think, will Vista be the next ‘Me’? Like with ‘Win Me’, Vista was plagued with issues of all kinds, but the …

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