Social marketing and the small business…

It’s been a good five years since “social marketing” really took off in a big way. Big, no HUGE corporations use it in one way or another. It likely doesn’t help their bottom line, but Coca-Cola, Microsoft, NASA, General Electric and even Yahoo and Google use Facebook. So WHY don’t small businesses who actually NEED the help? The simple answer is: knowledge. Most (not all) small business owners are intelligent go-getters who want to succeed in their chosen area of commerce. Those in the retail sector should be …

Photo search

I collect FAR too many photos from the web… stuff I find interesting or of my favorites topics like Bodie, Walt Disney’s apartment, the Disneyland Railroad, history or movie and TV filming locations. Sometimes I get an email or see a photo that has no description or information, which used to make it nearly impossible to figure out what the photo is, or where it was taken. Well, Google has done it again. Their "Search by image" feature lets you find that image, or similar ones, without having …

Block domains from Google search results

If you have a Google / Gmail account and stay logged in, Google has provided a fantastic tool for blocking those websites or domains that never return anything good or trustworthy. Just follow these steps: Go to Click the "Sign in" button at the top-right corner and sign in with your account. Go to In the first box, enter: In the second box, enter your reason for blocking the site. Click the "Block site" button. Within a few hours no Wikipedia results will show up …

Goodbye Internet Explorer

My first job at Microsoft was working on Internet Explorer 4. Prior to that I had done technical support at Spry for their "Internet In A Box" product (before CompuServe bought them). Back then I used a flavor of the Mosaic browser (as did most everyone) and was pretty happy. IE4 was a dramatic change – and I say that as someone who was an expert at the time. It was faster, had more features and was an amazing piece of software. Since 1996 I have tried all …

Job matching business idea…

Before the mid-1990s people use to search for jobs by opening a newspaper, going to an unemployment office, talking with friends and associates or just walking into a company and asking if they were hiring. That process was still considered normal until the early 2000s, even though,, and dozens of other job search engines came into existence. For a few short years newspapers moved their classified jobs sections to their websites, but it became so cumbersome that even they turned over that work to the …

Facebook feature idea: Check Ins

Facebook has done a good job of letting people “Check In” at businesses with Facebook Places. Aside from seeing if friends are at the same location or even nearby, it’s a great opportunity for businesses to connect with current or potential customers. There is one feature that’s missing though… allowing people to “Check In” to movies and TV shows. Currently, a person can only check in to a business that has an address or location. The GPS functionality in the phone keeps people from randomly checking in to …

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