About a year and a half ago, I wanted to transfer my XBox achievements and credits to my primary Microsoft Live ID account. Sadly, I was told that it was impossible.
About a year after my frustration with the XBox Live ID issue, I decided to spend more time using my Microsoft Zune player. When I first got it (about about two years earlier,) I was required to sign in with a Microsoft Live ID to track my music purchases and plays. But now, I wasn’t using that ID anymore, and wanted to update my email address and information to use my current Live ID. Yet again, I was told by "Customer Service" that it was not possible to update my information because they did not have that system in place.
Now, I come to the Microsoft’s Bing Cashback program. I signed up with Cashback when it was first introduced in early 2008. I got a bit of cash back from purchases. But now, in April 2010, I want to update my Cashback information to use my current email address / Live ID account. Not surprisingly, Microsoft STILL has not figured out how to do this.
What conclusions can be drawn from these three experiences with Windows Live ID? Do I really need to spell it out? No, I don’t think I do – the market will sort it out for Microsoft…