My crazy, logical, business brain, is shocked once again. Pelican Cases do NOT have even a tiny part number molded into the inside of their cases. So, if the label is removed, damaged beyond reading, painted, etc., if you don’t already know which model the case is… there’s no "easy" way to identify it.
Pelican customer service actually told me on the phone, that only way to figure out which model a case is, is to measure the outside dimensions, then search their catalog. She further explained the "customers often don’t want the case to have the brand name on it." (ahem-look-at-their-catalogs-ahem) That has to be one of the dumbest answers I’ve ever heard.
Even if Pelican just molded a unique identifying number on the INSIDE of the bottom and top of a case – under the area where the foam usually is – it would be very helpful for customers to quickly find out which case they have.
Well… I guess when you ‘own a market’, you don’t need to be logical :)