More, stereotypical bad customer service. This time, from Samsung "Support".
They, like most "support" companies that are hired to do technical support, do NOT read. Or, they try to frustrate you will endless tasks that don’t work… until finally, they send you off to someone else.
In this case, they still didn’t fix the problem. And I am *100% positive* that calling their phone support will yield the same result – endless tasks that result in their "solutions" not working.
When a computer geek like me can’t figure things out, 99% of the time, the software has issues. (I HAVE, on occasion, made dumb mistakes – but this isn’t one of them.)
So, Samsung "support" gets a thumbs DOWN. Terrible customer service, as expected.
Hi, welcome to Samsung Chat!
19:18 PM, Apr 1
Thank you for contacting Samsung. I am here to provide some assistance.
19:18 PM
Before we begin, Who am I speaking with?
19:18 PM
19:18 PM
Hi Dave!
19:18 PM
Here are the topics you could choose from
19:18 PM
19:18 PM
Support for a Product I already own
Here are products I can help you with.
19:19 PM
Just let me know which one.
19:19 PM
19:19 PM
Samsung Gear 360 (2016)
Let me know how I can help you in a few words.
19:19 PM
All right
19:19 PM
Go ahead and choose your product below.
19:19 PM
Let me know how I can help you in a few words.
19:19 PM
19:20 PM
Samsung Gear 360 (2016)
Sorry, I’m not fully trained on that yet. Can I connect you to a Samsung Care Pro?
19:20 PM
Before I connect you with a person, can you please share your full name?
19:20 PM
19:20 PM
Dave Tavres
Can you please share your email address?
19:20 PM
19:21 PM
In order to connect you with the right person, please choose the issue you’d like to discuss today.
19:21 PM
19:21 PM
Connecting you to a Care Pro now.
19:21 PM
You are connected with Santosh C from Samsung Care.
Deepkumar D, SAMSUNG Care Pro
Thanks for reaching out. I’ll quickly go through the conversation.
19:21 PM
Are you referring to Samsung gear 360 camera?
19:21 PM
19:21 PM
Samsung Gear 360 (2016)
We have a dedicated team to assist you on the product that you are inquiring about. Please be online while I transfer the chat to the appropriate department for further assistance.
19:21 PM
19:21 PM
Pramod Reddy N, SAMSUNG Care Pro
Thanks for reaching out. I’ll quickly go through the conversation.
19:22 PM
19:22 PM
I’ve tried MANY TIMES to install the software listed on that page. I’ve restarted my computer between attemps, no matter what, I always get errors.
May I know the issue with the gear 360 to assist you better?
19:22 PM
19:23 PM
I just need the DRIVER for the camera
Are you referring to the Action director software?
19:23 PM
19:23 PM
Yes… I’ve tried MANY TIMES to install the software listed on that page. I’ve restarted my computer between attemps, no matter what, I always get errors.
19:24 PM
I’ve tried: Gear_360_ActionDirector_2.0.1619_Live_1.0.0419.exe
19:24 PM
and Version – JAN 25,2017 – Gear_360_ActionDirector_2423_15L.exe
19:24 PM
AND, Version 2.0.2112.0 – OCT 30,2017 – Gear_360_ActionDirector_0915.exe
I am checking that for you, just a moment.
19:24 PM
May I know the OS version of your PC ?
19:24 PM
19:25 PM
Windows 7
19:25 PM
all latest updates/patches
19:29 PM
Are you getting any error message while installing it?
19:29 PM
19:29 PM
I am checking that for you, just a moment.
19:29 PM
19:30 PM
So, I went to Microsoft and downloaded their updates (vcredist_x64.exe and vs12-kb3174417.exe) and restarted the computer, and tried installed all 3 of the Samsung apps, and still can’t get the error message
19:30 PM
"and STILL get the error message"
Try to download it with this link:
action director download
19:30 PM
19:31 PM
Then try to install it?
Yes download and install it.
19:32 PM
19:32 PM
k.. hold. on..
Be at your pace I’ll be online for you.
19:32 PM
19:36 PM
** PLEASE ** READ what I wrote above.
19:36 PM
I ALREADY tried installing this version!
19:36 PM
Try to download it from different browser and see if it works.
19:36 PM
19:37 PM
I’ve been a software developer for 20 years. I know what I’m doing.
19:37 PM
It’s the exact same file size and checksum as the version I downloaded from the Samsung website.
Have you tried to install it on any other PC which has windows 8 or above to see if it works?
19:38 PM
19:38 PM
The installer runs – it gives that error during installation.
19:38 PM
No, because I want to use it on MY computer, not someone else’s computer.
It seems that the action director software is not compatible with Windows 7.
19:39 PM
19:40 PM
Send me a link on the support site that says that please.
I am checking that for you, just a moment.
19:40 PM
19:40 PM
(And tell me how you came up with the incompatibility "solution")
19:41 PM
OR, transfer me to someone above you.
I’ll be right with you.
19:43 PM
Just a moment, please.
19:43 PM
19:53 PM
I’m still here…
Please wait while I transfer the chat to my supervisor.
19:53 PM
Santosh C, SAMSUNG Care Pro
19:54 PM
Would you mind being on hold for 3 minutes while I go through your previous chat session?
19:54 PM
19:55 PM
19:55 PM
Sure, thank you
19:55 PM
Thank you for waiting.
20:07 PM
20:08 PM
20:08 PM
I just want to fix this.
I see that you are unable to install the ActionDirector on the PC
20:08 PM
20:08 PM
Yes – what versions did I install?
20:08 PM
(or TRY to install?)
Please go through the below web link.
20:10 PM
20:10 PM
Run the downloaded file.
20:10 PM
20:11 PM
20:11 PM
I see that the above web link not provided to you in the chat.
20:12 PM
Please try to run the downloaded file.
20:13 PM
20:13 PM
I already did.
20:13 PM
And I restarted the computer. Then tried to install EACH of the 3 version of the Gear software – STILL got the error I shared above.
Are you able to install it on alternative computers?
20:14 PM
20:15 PM
I need it to work on MY computer.
20:15 PM
I only have 1 computer.
20:15 PM
You did NOT read the chat session above.
20:15 PM
Please transfer me to someone who can help me.
I’m sorry for the delay. I’ll be right with you.
20:17 PM
Thank you for waiting. I’ll be with you in just a moment.
20:19 PM
In this case we suggest you to get in touch with our phone support team for further assistance on this.
20:20 PM
20:20 PM
Will you be sending a transcript of this chat to me when this chat ends?
You can contact our Phone Support at 1-800-726-7864.
Mon – Fri : 8AM -12 AM (EST)
Sat – Sun : 9AM -11 PM (EST)
20:21 PM
Yes, Once the chat was terminated you will get the option to receive the chat transcript.
20:22 PM
20:23 PM
How do I end this chat?
20:23 PM
AND get the transcript?
Please click on the X button to receive this chat transcript.
20:23 PM