The Resurgence of Email

With the recent example of Amazon’s AWS service arbitrarily killing a business’s website by revoking the company’s hosting contract, the question must be asked – If a service provider can suddenly decide to not provide you service, how can you continue to reach your audience? The short answer is one of the foundational elements of the internet – the original POP… Post Office Protocol. Email. POP servers have (and are) a staple of the internet. They deliver (most) user verification and forgot password emails. They notify people of …

Amazon Prime Failed “Guarantee”

I’d say that “most” people like Amazon. I certainly do. But that that “like” doesn’t extend forever. As usual, bad customer service is the point of this post. I’ve had Amazon Prime since 2009. And I order way too much stuff from Amazon. It’s become something that most Amazon Prime buyers tend to do… over-shop. One of the reasons people tend to over-shop, is the “free” delivery on many items. And with the advent of “FREE Same-Day Delivery” people are coming to rely on Amazon more and more. …

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